Security - A Primer
by Chuk Kittredge
I stood there, hands trembling. I looked back at the inviting hallway, with the soft carpet and floral prints. No. I had to do this. The heads had told me. Anything for a story, they said. Please, I begged them - anything but this. But they wouldn't hear of it. So here I was, poised at the brink, about to enter the lion's den. Genuflecting, I knocked timidly on the thick oak door.
"Whaddya want?" bellowed a voice from within. Here goes. I sprung the latch and bounded inside, cordiality oozing from every pore. Wayne Eisenhuth took one look at me and dropped the huge Cuban he'd been smoking, an expression of mingled distaste, displeasure and distemper creasing his swarthy brow.
"Wayne! How are ya!? Shake a paw, old buddy!" I extended my thin hand in his general direction. He looked at it. Looked at me. Looked back at my hand.
"Get'cher damn hands away from me, ya punk kid" he growled, flicking ash from his stogie onto a pile of Security reports.
"Well geez, Wayne, that's no way to greet an old friend. Heh heh. Ahem." He uncrossed his feet, clad in hand-tooled penny loafers, and leaned toward me. His breath reeked of garlic and cigar.
"I told you once, you little piss-ante. Stay out of the tunnels or I'll fix you but good."
See, Wayne and I go way back. He has this little problem - he hasn't caught me yet. Like that time back in the summer of '00 when an officer reported the Security Jeep missing. Six hours later, they discovered it up on blocks out in the Arb, packed to the gills with stoned high school girls who, when questioned, said they were 'living in the now, man'. And then, of course, there's all the nasty graffiti down in the tunnels. Some of that shit makes the Kyia-haters look like amateurs. And there I was, trying to get him to talk about Security's style. Nobody's more stylish than Security, they'd told me. Men in uniform and all that. A human-interest piece, they said. But he wasn't having any of it. Plus, he kept yelling in raspy Italian at the old lady in the back room who was busy making baklava or whatever. When he finally gave me the boot, I marched out whistling that song from 'The Godfather', my notebook blanker than an Olie's stare. I had to ask myself - what's a girl to do when she can't get an interview from the most powerful man on campus? Why, print scurrilous lies, of course. So without further ado, here's a little primer on the minds, great and small, behind campus Security...

Wayne Eisenhuth, Director
a.k.a. "El Jefe de Jefes"
- Likes: Scorsese, his grandmother's stromboli, and instilling fear in the hearts of young Carls.
- Bigger than: just about anybody I know. Go for the knees and run. Hope he doesn't send Joey after you.
- What to do if he finds you: Curse your mother for bringing you into this god-forsaken world. Pray it will be quick.

Jim Bushey
a.k.a. "Junkyard Dogg"
- Likes: lunch, husky native women, and his 1200 cc Harley
- Wonders: why the U.P. is considered part of Michigan
- What to do if you're upwind of him: Sidle away, emptying your pockets of any food items, and stretching your arms to create an impression of size.

Steve Hanson
a.k.a. "That Guy", "Barney Fife"
- Drives: his mother's puce 1983 Dodge Aries K-car.
- Fears: his wife, signs of intelligence.
- What to do if he starts talking: Laugh. Walk away shaking your head.

Klay Christiansen
a.k.a. "Redbeard"
- Thinks: Physics majors these days are a lame bunch.
- Needs (badly): a shave and a haircut. Also, assless chaps
- Stalks: the tunnels, after we've all gone to bed. Disturbing.

Sharon Wadekamper
a.k.a. "Der Meter Mistress"
- Hates: VINs that don't match up with plate tags, students in general
- Motto: Good things come, shrewish packages.
- What to do if you have a car on campus: Don't even try to run. Just don't.

Noel Williams
a.k.a "The Lone Ranger"
- Vaguely impressed by: Venus d'Milo, the new Honda hybrids, and that plant his some keeps growing in the hall closet.
- Likes: The Binachi ration, Madeira, and floral print wallpaper.
- What to do if he opens his mouth: Keel over in shock.

Randy Atchison
a.k.a. "That New Guy", "Spike"
- Shocked by: The lack of healthy organic options at Marriott, the skirts his daughter is wearing after she's been out all night 'with friends'.
- Still can't remember: Exactly what happened on that hill outside Pho Dum Nimh back in '71.
- What to do if you see him: Say "Wait a minute, you're not Dale..."